METAL | Cast. Forge. Create.

Forge your future in metallurgy with free online classes. Join the next wave of creators and pioneers needed to revive and advance our domestic metal market and restore our nation’s metal manufacturing base.

METAL is a casting and forging workforce development program supported by the Department of Defense Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) Program from the Office of Industrial Policy and developed in partnership with IACMI

Time involved: 8.5 hours of video and instruction.

Deadline: This is an online, self-paced course. 

Certification: All students who complete the online training will receive the METAL Level 1 digital credential from Credly.


  • Introduction to Metalcasting & Metalcasting Processes​
  • Metallurgy & Heat Treatment​
  • Nonferrous Metals & Alloys (Aluminum and Copper Based Alloys)​
  • ​Cast Irons & Steels​
  • ​Introduction to Casting Design & Modeling​
  • ​Additive Manufaturing (3-D Printing) Techniques for Casting​
  • ​Introduction to Forging & Rolling Processes​
  • ​Melting Processes​
  • ​Introduction to Post Processing​
  • ​Introduction to Mechanical Properties & Testing ​
  • ​Careers in METAL​​


After Signup Students can return to the Canvas page here or with the link below.

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